Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sonic Electronix Backorder Situation?

So i ordered a head unit off of sonic electronix. Not realizing it was out of stock then later in the day i go back on and see that the item has been discontinued. So im wondering how long will it take sonic electronix to get a supply of the head unit, or if they even will. Also if they do how long will this how process take?|||Sonic Electronix is a great website with a great staff i have ordered 3 full sets of subs and amp's with them. call them! there located in California so they work on pacific time, so if your on the east cost (like me) its actually works out great because you can call them until 8:00 PM. they can ballpark when the item will be back in stock(with my amp that was on Backorder, it was back in stock in less then a week) and if that dose not suffice you can cancel the head unit with minimal stress. i hope i helped good luck!


if you want your head unit sooner try they usually stock the same equipment, but i find them to be a little more expensive. and i dont trust them as much, the people at sonic electronix are nothing short of spectacular.|||1-3 weeks delivery to them. if its discontinued then u may get credit if the dealers do not have them or make anymore.

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